F 2010 ~ Critique of the Unique

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Welcome to Critique of the Unique

We are in the process of updating the format and will be making the big switch to a dot com address soon. Please be patient during our transition!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Time for some winners!!!!

"Chicken Soup for the Soul" Book Winners: Book of Miracles-- Tracey H., Debbie M, and Craig V. Think Positive-- Emma H., Ed N., Jan K "World's Best Origami" Book Winner:  Auriette L. Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer DVD Game winner:  Linda G. TimeBuddy Winner: Darcie K Little Write Brain Winners:  Storm D, Amber P. Krista D. Stay tuned and in a few days, more giveaways will be ending and more winners will be chosen!!! If your name is listed above, I have sent you an email notifying you of your win. You will have five business days to respond to the winning email or a new winner will be chosen!!!...

You're Invited!

I am launching a new blog to organize all of my poetry and photos that I want to keep...forever! Most of what I've loaded so far has been old poetry from the last five years. I have all of my poetry scattered amongst five or so computers and I am slowly unloading them all into a format that will be easy to read and navigate! Fair warning: I didn't claim to be any good at writing poetry, I just have found it an outlet in the past. My muse occasionally visits now and again, but not much lately. I hope to change that for 2011. Some reads are a little dark (depressing if you will), while others are more full of life. If you want to take a peek,...

Monday, December 27, 2010

Goodbye 2010....Hello 2011!!

2010 is coming to a close and I have to say, this year has had its share of ups and downs. I've had the worst luck this year, some due to my own doings, and some things were totally beyond my control.I totaled out our family van...BUT the insurance paid it off at the bank. We opted for a cheaper vehicle instead of a replacement new vehicle due to finances. The 1999 Tahoe has it flaws (mainly I can't get out of the passenger side due to faulty door latches) yet it serves a purpose. It runs..its dependable, and my kids have room in it. Although...it has no third row seating or fancy DVD player like the van. It's called reality. I found out that I will soon need surgery due to the discovery that I have an incisional hernia and polycystic ovary disease....BUT at least they saw something!!! I am...

Friday, December 24, 2010

Critique of the Unique - Holiday Gift Guide 2010

Critique of the Unique would like to welcome you to the 2010 Holiday Gift Guide. Here are the sponsors that  I will be featuring throughout the months of November and December. Be sure to watch this page as each item will eventually be linked to a review that will provide more information about the product as well information as to where to purchase! Some of the items listed below will also be available in a GIVEAWAY to the readers of this blog!! Not only can you enter to win some of the products below, but each entry will enter you to win the GRAND PRIZE (announcing soon), so be sure to come back and enter each giveaway for extra chances...

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