Product: Chicken Soup for the Soul - A Book of Miracles
Authors: Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and LeAnn Thieman
Publisher: Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing
Category: Books, Teens, Adults
Price: $14.95
One box of tissue
I had heard of the Chicken Soup for the Soul line of books before, but this was the first time that I had the opportunity to read one. The Book of Miracles came at an appropriate time in my life. As I read through the stories, I was able to relate to the life situations that others were experiencing and the emotions that they evoked. Every one of us has a moment in our lives where we need a bit of encouragement and The Chicken Soup for the Soul books happen to showcase stories of hope, challenge and survival. If ever you doubted God's presence in your life, the 101 stories in this book will help to reclaim your faith. Read how God's presence helped to provide comfort and healing to others in their time of need. Experience these first-hand accounts of divine intervention and answered prayers, but fair warning: have the tissues on hand!
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Another great title by The Chicken Soup for the Soul line of books is the Think Positive book that shares 101 stories about counting your blessings and having a positive attitude. I will the first to admit that I have more of a pessimistic attitude and even though I want to be one of those people who are able to take any bad situation and turn it into a positive moment, the truth is that I simply don't succeed in doing so most of the time. This book had me laughing and crying, as it helped me to see how I could engage in simple changes that could make a difference in the way I looked at things. I know negativity has an adverse reaction on your health, on your social interactions and your self-esteem, and making simple changes can make a life changing difference! The stories teach you how to count your blessings, simplify, and change your outlook on life so that you can turn any adversity into an opportunity!
Where to Buy:

FTC Guidelines require that I disclose that I received a review copy of each of the books listed above for the purpose of this review. No other compensation was received. All opinions herein are my own honest opinions. Other opinions may vary. Thanks to Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing for sponsoring a giveaway and providing review copies!