F March 2011 ~ Critique of the Unique

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Zarbee's All Natural Children's Cough Syrup Review

Product: Zarbee's All-Natural Children's Cough Syrup Category: Health and Fitness Distributed by: Honey Naturals LLCPrice: $7.99 My children had a great winter, hardly getting anything but a runny nose! I thought we had made it into the clear with the warmer weather coming soon, but low and behold, right before the onset of Spring, both of my kiddos come down with the cough. It started as soon as I woke them up for school and I would have thought it was their way to try to get out of going to school, but my son's coughing nearly had him choking as it was so continuous.  I thought about keeping them home, but then I remembered the cough...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Glee Gum: Make Your Own Gummies Kit Review

Product: Make Your Own Gummies Kit from Glee Gum Produced by: Verve, Inc.Category: Cooking Price: Approximately $13.00 (varies with retail outlet) Need something to keep the kids busy on a rainy day? I've got just the thing!! My two kids had a blast with the Glee Gum "Make Your Own Gummies Kit", where they chose to make cute little gummy bears!!  Glee Gum has been in business since 1992 when the founders of Verve visited a chicle-producing community in Northern Guatemala. It is here that they learned how chewing gum was made and decided at that point to help the economically depressed community by purchasing their main product- chicle...

Winner's Circle- Check inside to see if you are a winner!

Cinch! Book Winner:  Nancy D! Nordic Omega 3 Gummies Winner: Susan V!Cool Off Towelettes Winner!! Amanda S!!! Congratulations Winners!!!! Come back soon for more great reviews and giveaways, and once it warms up.....more uniquities!!...

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