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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Win a Family Pass to "The Bretts" in Branson, Mo

Having appeared on worldwide television and in more than 3000 live performances around the globe, The Bretts deliver high energy, high-caliber professional entertainment to audiences of all ages. Voted Best Morning Show in Branson, The Bretts consistently make their daytime performance the place to be on the Strip. As singers, songwriters, dancers and musicians, each of the Brett family members has the talent to deliver a full-length solo performance, but together The Bretts are captivating, exploding onto the stage with a moving display of music, dance, lights and artistry that has inspired audiences across the world for years. Visit www.brettfamily.com Super...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

In the Spotlight: Activist Lisa Sellman

Guest Post: What Can One Person Do? Activist Reveals How One Act of Community Service Can Spark Thousands More Don’t tell Lisa Sellman that one person can’t make a difference. She knows better. Sellman, a community activist and lifelong volunteer, recently learned how one act of kindness can set off a chain reaction that can span the globe. “It just started out with me asking a regional pet food company for a donation of dog food for Red Lake Rosie’s in Minnesota,” said Sellman, a professional dog trainer and owner of a pet care business. “I called Solid Gold Northland, and one of the marketing managers there advised me that they...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

"Winnie the Pooh" Sneak Peek

Don't forget "Winnie the Pooh" hits theaters July 15th!! Sneak peek brought to you by courtesy of Disney: Connect: Website and Mobile Site: Disney.com/Pooh Like on Facebook: facebook.com/WinniethePooh Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/DisneyAnimat...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My Best Friend, Abe Lincoln by Robert L Bloch Review

Product: My Best Friend, Abe Lincoln - A Tale of Two Boys from Indiana Author: Robert L. Bloch Illustrations: John W. Ewing Publisher: Castlebridge/ Big Tent Books Category: Books, Children Price: $13.95 Story Summary:In 1820, Sam Harding and Abe Lincoln forged a strong friendship, based on their love of learning and of the outdoors. This timeless story is about the special bond between two boys, the experiences they shared growing up in early America, and how one of the boys eventually became the sixteenth President of the United States.Review:  My Best Friend, Abe Lincoln - A Tale of Two Boys From Indiana is a wonderful story written...

Friday, July 1, 2011

Recipe: Tomato Salsa

Tomatoes- the vegetable-turned-fruit that comes in over 7000 different varieties can help prevent certain types of cancers, according to the latest news provided by AARP The Magazine.  Simply incorporating three or more servings a week can even reduce risks for heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis. Photo Source Here's a great recipe to get you started toward a healthier you! Just in time for the July 4th celebrations! TOMATO SALSAYield: About 2.5 cups             2 cups seeded, chopped tomatoes (red, yellow, and orange)            ¼ cup diced red onions   ...

Thursday, June 30, 2011

'Winnie the Pooh' Premieres in Theaters on July 15, 2011

Coming to a theater near you!!! This July, don't miss the return of your favorite Hundred Acre Wood characters as "Winnie the Pooh" premieres in theaters nationwide. Walt Disney Animation Studios returns to the Hundred Acre Wood with “Winnie the Pooh.” Featuring the timeless charm, wit and whimsy of the original featurettes, this all-new movie reunites audiences with the philosophical “bear of very little brain” and friends Tigger, Rabbit, Piglet, Owl, Kanga, Roo—and last, but certainly not least, Eeyore, who has lost his tail.   “Ever have one of those days where you just can’t win, Eeyore?” asks Pooh.   Owl sends the...

Four Free eBooks for the Collector in You

Photo Source If you are an avid collector, then you will love this great deal! From now until July 4, you can download four great eBooks courtesy of Krause Publication and F+W Media, Inc, an offer extended in consideration of our nation's birthday!! These great titles are compatible with the Nook, Google and iTunes! To view available titles, visit their site! Have a happy and safe Fourth of July! Thanks to Krause Publication and F+W Media, Inc. for this gracious offer! FTC regulations require that I disclose that no compensation was offered or accepted for the sharing of deal.&nbs...

Monday, June 20, 2011

Endangerables CD Review and Giveaway

Product: Endangerables CD Performed by: Fred Bogert Category: Kids, Family, Music Price: $7.99 "No matter How Far Away We Are, We Will Always Be Linked Together"                    --The Endangerables Deputy Endangerable is here to save the day!! Deputy Endangerable (aka --your little ones) first pledge to do their very best to protect all the species of our planet (including one another)! All they have to do is raise their right hand and repeat the Endangerables Oath and then the fun begins! It starts with learning the secret and official Deputy Endangerable handshake that will surely...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Guest Post: I’m Lost! How to Prevent and Handle a Lost Child Situation by Keith Kepler

A lost child is a parent’s worst nightmare. And, as families plan to spend more time outdoors, on vacation and in busy public places this summer, it is important to be prepared. A survey of parents by the Center to Prevent Lost Children showed that 90 percent of families will experience losing a child in a public place at least once, and 20 percent said it has happened more than once. The United States Department of Justice reports that more than 300,000 children become temporarily lost for at least one hour, but the good news is that a majority of those children are quickly found and not harmed.It is important to try to prevent a child from getting lost but even more important that the child knows what to do if they do get lost. Preparing yourself and a child can make this frightening...

National Tire Safety Week June 5-11

Summer driving season has officially arrived and while we are all concerned with safety on the road, we often forget one of the most important components: our tires.  According to a study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 660 highway fatalities are caused by underinflated tires annually.This National Tire Safety Week (June 5-11, 2011) tire expert and Michelin subjective test driver, Sarah K. Robinson shared her tips for tire safety.  She also explained some of the simplest steps you can take to ensure you have a smooth, and most importantly safe, ride this summer travel season including:               Check you tire pressure – Check your tire pressure at least once a month and before and after a long trip.  Tires can...

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